Printing & Management of Inflight Magazine of Maldivian
We would like to invite interested parties to submit their bid to develop the Inflight Magazine of Maldivian. rnBid Registration is open for local parties up to 30th January 2024, 11:00HRS local time in Maldives (GMT + 0500hrs). In order to participate in the Bid, all Bidders are required to provide expression of interest by mailing the filled EOI Form to IASL procurement mail as per below mailing format: To: moohath.mohamed@iasl.aerornCc to: , and Subject: EOI for In-flight Magazine Re-bid – (Bid No: 03/2024) For further clarifications and queries regarding this Bid, kindly go through the RFB and send us your queries to the mentioned mail thread. Note* RFB document and EOI Form is available to download from the Gazette Announcement Link