Code of Conduct

The guidelines regarding the ethical principles and standards of behavior expected from all personnel of IASL

The obligations contained in the code are derived from the five fundamental ethical principles. 
The principles are: 

  • Respect for Law and Order
  • Respect for Persons
  • Integrity
  • Diligence
  • Economy and Efficiency


A system of government based on the rule of law and accountability. 

  • All employees have an obligation to observe the laws and regulations of the country and to comply with IAS’s policies and procedure. In addition, they have an obligation when travelling abroad to respect and abide by the laws and customs of the host country.
  • Employees should exercise any discretion conferred on them by law in a bona fide manner, and that employees who have any doubts about any laws and/or regulations or any policies and/or procedures, they should immediately refer to their supervisor for guidance. 
    Similarly, supervisor should refer to his superior in matters of concern.


Conduct of Employees in their dealings with others including Employees of IAS, external organizations, and members of the community.

Employees are expected to: 

  • Promote a high standard of respect for all employees and the general community.
  • Treat other Employees with courtesy and fairness
  • Be responsive and prompt in dealing with other Employees and the general community.
  • When supervising Employees, create a fair and just working environment.
  • Observe procedural fairness when engaged in decision-making.
  • Not engage in any discrimination of any kind, including race, national origin, color, sex, age, physical disability, political or any other opinion, property, birth or other status, or native island.
  • Not engage in behavior which may reasonably be perceived as harassment, bullying or intimidation
  • Have respect for cultural differences.
  • Respect the privacy of others in the collection, use and access of personal information whilst performing IAS duties or activities.


Employees are placed in a position of trust and are expected to be honest and impartial when carrying out their duties to maintain public confidence in IAS and to advance the good of the IAS community. 


Situation that may generate a conflict of interest can arise out of: 

  • Personal/sexual relations with other employees
  • Personal/sexual relations with persons with whom IAS is dealing.
  • Personal financial interests in matters which involve IAS.
  • Outside employment that may compromise the integrity of IAS.
  • Use of confidential information obtained during IAS’s duties.

Employees who become involved in any of the situations stated above must inform the HOD or HR department. Failure by an employee to declare a potential or perceived conflict of interest to HOD or HR department may result in disciplinary action.      


  • Employees must disclose to IAS any personal relationships with a current or prospective Employee which may give rise to an actual or perceived conflict of interest.
  • Employees who become in a situation where a personal relationship Is a source, or actual or perceived conflict of interest must inform the HOD / HR department.


  • Employees must respect the privacy of others and ensure that personal information is accessed and used only for IAS purposes and not disclosed except where authorized by law.
  • Employees who have access to such information have a duty to maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and security of such information, irrespective of the medium of storage.
  • Any actual or suspected misuse of private information must be reported to a supervisor or other appropriate person.


  • Employees may be members of political parties, professional or other interests and engagement with the wider community is encouraged, provided that the involvement does not conflict with their work and contractual obligations toward IAS.
  • Employees must ensure that they disclose and manage any potential conflicts of interest that may arise because of any duties owed to other legal entities and organizations.


  • Public comment by IAS’s members in their capacity as private citizens is permitted provided that any such comment makes it clear that the view expressed is their own and not necessarily the view of IAS.
  • Public comment on any IAS’s issues must be made by the spokesperson appointment by IAS.


  • IAS members should discourage the receipt of any gifts or benefits in connection with their employment or position except where this may arise in an official capacity.
  • IAS members must disclose to IAS any financial interest they may have in any organization from which IAS proposes to obtain services or equipment or enter any contract which would result in a financial transaction.
  • IAS must ensure that where contracts are proposed through there are of expertise with external organizations, that any close personal relationship between Employee and personnel of that organization must be disclosed.
  • IAS Employees shall avoid giving gifts, hospitality, preferential treatments, or benefits which might affect or appear to affect the ability of the customers/clients to make clear judgements on business transactions.
  • Employees of IAS are discouraged from receiving any gifts or benefits in connection with their employment as it might be reasonably seen to compromise their professional judgement and integrity.


  • Employees are permitted to engage in outside work, paid or unpaid, however, such work should not undermine the work and contractual obligations towards IAS.
  • Outside work must not be undertaken, which may cause a conflict of interest in IAS’s duties.
  • Outside work should not include any work involving similar business carried out by IAS.


Exercise proper care and attention in performing their duties, to carry out their duties to the best of their ability and to ensure that IAS’s resources are used economically and efficiently. 


All IAS’s Members will: 

  • Carry out official decisions, directions, and policies faithfully and impartially.
  • Seek high standards in providing service, working, administration and governance.
  • Create a safe work environment.
  • Adhere to professional codes of conduct where applicable.
  • Report fraudulent or corrupt conduct appropriately.
  • Take reasonable steps to ensure compliance and protect intellectual property rights of IAS.
  • Give due credit to the contributions of Employees.
  • Assess all employees work fairly and objectively.
  • Maintain their professional skills and keep up to date in their area of expertise.
  • Ensure they are informed of IAS policies and guidelines.


  • Proper care and attention should be exercised when undertaking activities, where others will rely on the advice or information offered.
  • Employees have a duty to take reasonable care and to avoid causing harm to others and must follow safe working practices and actively promote safe working conditions.
  • Supervisors and Head of departments are responsible for ensuring that activities within their areas are undertaken with due diligence for health and safety of Employees and others


Ensure that IAS resources are used efficiently and effectively and for legitimate purposes and waste should be avoided. 

  • Email and internet activity by Employees must be conducted in a professional manner for legitimate IAS business and with due regard and respect for other persons.
  • Employees must ensure that making the occasional telephone call is kept to a minimum.
  • Equipment and materials should be treated with care and secured against theft.


The code regulates the behavior of IAS members and forms part of each Employees employment contract. 

  • Where an IAS member is aware of or suspects a breach of this code, they must immediately report the break in accordance with IAS’s whistleblowing policy.
  • Failure to comply with the code’s provision will be managed and dealt with under the relevant IAS policy and procedure and employment contracts as applicable.
  • Failure to comply with this code may result in disciplinary action.
  • IAS may act against a person making a frivolous or vexatious complaint. Any employee found to have made such a complaint may be subject to IAS disciplinary procedure.