RFP for sale of Dash 8 Q200 MSN542 Aircraft
The deadline for the interested parties to express their interest is before 12th March 2014/1400hrs (Local time). Interested parties who have satisfied all conditions for expression of interest will be notified of their eligibility to submit proposals via email from 13th March 2014 onwards.
Eligible parties are required to submit the proposal before 19th March 2014/1400hrs (Local time). The proposal must contain the price quoted and the signature of a duly authorized officer or an agent of the company submitting the proposal.
Note: Updated 12 March 2014
With regard to the Request for proposal for the disposal of Dash 8 Q200 MSN 542 Aircraft,Please be informed that we have decided to extend submission deadline for expression of interest and deadline for security deposit to 16th March 2014/14:00hrs (local time).
However, note that deadline for submission of proposal will still be 19th March 2014/14:00hrs (local time) and all other dates would remain as before