Media Centre

News & Media

TRUEngine™ Awarded to Island Aviation Services Limited

October 24, 2013

CMF International awards a plaque to Island Aviation Services Ltd. in recognition of the highest standards maintained by both technically and operationally, since delivery of the airbus A320 aircraft fitted with two CFM56 engines a year ago. Island Aviation Services Limited…

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News & Media

Another addition to the Maldivian Fleet - Dash 8 Q300 Aircraft

October 03, 2013

Another addition to the Maldivian fleet, 8QIAM, Dash-8 300 aircraft (50 seats) arrived at Ibrahim Nasir International Airport shortly after 1400 hrs this afternoon. Captain Shinaz, Captain Adheel and Engineer Hardhy ferried the new Dash-8 Q300 from Calgary, Canada to  Male. .

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News & Media

First Commercial Flight to Thimarafushi

September 08, 2013

The first commercial flight to Thimarafushi (TMF) took off this morning from Ibrahim Nasir International Airport around 7:30 am. The first passanger on the Madivian flight Q2180 was Mr. Ibrahim Ali. This is another addition to the Maldivian route map further 'connecting the dots'…

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News & Media

Inauguration of Thaa Thimarafushi (TMF) Domestic Airport

September 03, 2013

Thaa Thimarafushi domestic airport was inaugrated this morning by the President. The airport will be managed by Island Aviation, which operates the  national airline of the country. Island Aviation currently operates Dharavandhoo domestic airport.  

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News & Media

Test Flight to Thimarafushi

September 02, 2013

Maldivian’s test flight to Thimarafushi (TMF) took off today from Ibrahim Nasir International Airport. The 50 seater landed at Thimarafushi Airport around 1540 local time.

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News & Media

Inauguration of Kashimaa Lounge at Dharavandhoo Airport

August 20, 2013

Maldivian's fourth lounge, KASHIMAA LOUNGE in Dharavandhoo Airport was opened today. This lounge is equipped with light refreshments, reading materials, internet, and other amenities. Maldivian currently has three other Lounges (in Male International Airport, Hanimadhoo International Airport and Kaadedhdhoo Domestic Airport) distinctive from each other in its design, however provides a…

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News & Media

First flight from Gan to Colombo

August 07, 2013

Maldivian's first flight to Colombo took off from Gan and Male today. The flights will operate twice a week from Gan to Colombo on Mondays and to Male on Fridays using an an airbus A320 aircraft with a capacity of 14 business class…

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